In April, my first group program kicked off, “Career Clarity – Create Your Bold Vision, Stop Settling, and Do Fulfilling Work You Love,” and it has far exceeded my vision for it. What I’ve seen is the power of women coming together to support each other when going after BIG dreams and goals while going through a career transformation — and it’s amazing. This can be the difference between having a dream that sits quietly in the back of your heart with a hopeful “someday” timeline for making it happen to actually taking steps now toward making it real.

The women in this group have big, beautiful dreams born out of passions in areas such as Health and Wellness, Spirituality, Humane Technology, and the Environment. Some ultimately want to build their own business and some just really want to be inspired by the company they work for. One of the women is making her mark on the world by sharing a profound message by writing her first book!

What I hear these women say is how much gratitude they have to be part of a group of other women with similar struggles and dreams. To be inspired by how the other women are growing and becoming more courageous to take a stand for their own desires. Women who are getting super clear about what is no longer working for them (or even sucking the life out of them) and then creating a vision of what fulfilling work looks like for them.

I have found that having the support of other women who understand your journey, have your back, and see the greatness in you even when you don’t… is one of the most powerful experiences we can have as women.

Ever heard the statement that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with? I believe this more and more as I go after the things in life that light me up from the inside out.

It becomes critical to surround yourself with those who will believe in you, cheer you on, and help you back up when you’re tempted to give up and remind you that YES you can do this!

Ready to surround yourself with this kind of community? Here are three tips to get you started:

  • Try something new like a painting class, a hiking Meetup, or sign up to volunteer and get to know other people who care about making a difference in the world.
  • Spend more time with the people who inspire you or lift you up and spend less time with those who bring you down.
  • Get out to meet new people who are doing empowering things — join a group of empowered women such as a Lean In circle.

Taking the time to surround yourself with those who will lift you up and help you shine more brightly will be one of the best things you can do for yourself. It has certainly been one of the best parts of my life.

Interested in learning more about how we can work together to discover your next step toward more fulfilling work? Contact me to schedule a call today!